May 09, 2005 08:15
This is my first offical entry form 8 am in the morning in the summer, at the library , whene a single sole is not here, and I can not imagine why they would be! School hasn't started summer session yet, yet there are still alot of cars in the parking lot, but strangely, no one is here. Hmmmm very interesting. My car BETTER not get ticketed. I may just have to cry, lol.
It is offically SUMMER and where is Sarah Rochte? Seriously, I know you do not have a phone, but come over sometime! Do you not know that we have a youth hostile running out of our house which is where you can find at least 4 of our friends at all times. I miss, you. Turn your phone back on. If i had money I would pay for it. TOO bad i just paid $118 dollars for mine! Yikes...
So this weekend was ..interesting. I had a great time at Ben and Daves drag paryt belive it our not. It wasnt stupid or creepy, it was just my friends in dresses, other than that it was a normal part, ohh accapt there was a string quartet? it was nice.
Graduation day was probably cool for those gradutating. Lizes party was awsome and her little cousins were the best kids I have ever met! The night was lame since some random kids drank all my beer. I wouldnt care if I wasnt dead broke! It is just rude to take othere peoples things. It was justa shitty way to cap off an awkward evening. I could also do without that organ that is in our house. It should be limited to those with at least 10 years of piano playing experience, and not be played before say......3pm or how about never?
I have reached the hight of my cynicisim. The only way from here is bitch.
Yesterday was so fun hagning out with Robert Daniel and Lynn all day. It really felt like vacation! We just relaxed all day and had mini ecscursions. Feels like I am at my summer house!
I need sleep, I got about 4hrs worth and ill prolly sleep all day. and the best thing is. i tottaly can today. if the organ gets played, ill smash it. All I have to say is, dont wake me up pr I may hurt you, Unless you are Srah Rochte, then I woudl kiss you! hehehe- Alarms Going off in my head...