(no subject)

Feb 03, 2005 12:21

OK, i hope the fire alarm doesn't go off this time. I'm really feeling pretty good about life right now. I used to get so incredibly stressed out about school work, but I think that I am getting better at just taking things as they are thrown at me. I have so much school work to do right now, but I've always managed to get it done in the past so I don't see why it won't work out this time. I also drink more alcohol now. I believe this is healthy, though, and I am so happy that I don't usually spazz out like I used to.

Anne is the best! It pretty much rules living with someone that you feel has the same vision and goals as your self. Its awesome how both of us change each other and influence each other, but it in no way feels like we are losing any individual autonomy. It is difficult to feel like this when you are brought up with liberal ideals that the individual is autonomous and that individual liberty is the absolute and only type of liberty.

I'm stoked about having awesome neighbours. I think that the two house combo will make for a pretty rad little community. Potlucks and summer barbeques here we come. I like that between the Whitebelt crew and the "____" house, there are so many people with similar beliefs, but really different styles for acting on those beliefs.

I have decided to drink wine everyday. Not a bottle at a time, but as a healthy supplement to my diet. I need to find some vegan wine that isn't killer expensive. Any advice?
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