in 2006 i: got into college, graduated high school, became close with different people over the summer, crashed my car, had a dance party, moved to philly, ended a long relationship, became more independent, pierced my septum, met a lot of new people, found a few true friends, bought a yellow bike, learned to be more confident, gave myself five year old bangs, smoked a lot, went to baltimore, lost touch with some people, ordered vegetable rice from china inn way too much, missed some people, gained perspective, had numerous defiance, ohio singalongs, ran on the beach in my underwear with my best friend at night, managed a good gpa my first semester in college, discovered genuine people, felt comfortable just being myself, partied just enough, climbed rocks and statues at the art museum, discovered "arrested development", stopped caring about what people think, celebrated my 19th birthday, had numerous crushes, finally reunited with my babygirl in august (!), went to a short shorts party, connected with a few people on an awesome level, and realized that philly is just where i need to be.