Mar 12, 2014 00:25
i'm not on testosterone at the moment for various reasons but i was on for 6 years, and live full time as male / stealth. since being off t eventually bleeding restarted and none of my attempts to stop it (mainly having an IUD inserted) have helped, which has been quite stressful, although i've been coping much better than i did pre-t.
my doctor has been really helpful and she's offered me a referral for endometrial ablation. i was wondering if anybody has undergone this procedure and whether or not it was effective in ceasing bleeding long term? i'd really love to speak to somebody who has been through this experience. i guess i have some reservations as it's a procedure i know very little about.
if people would prefer not to comment here i'm happy for anyone to send me a direct message.
xposted to stopping_t & ftm