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action luxuriality November 18 2011, 08:07:07 UTC
[ Oh, great. It's that time of month, when Mayfield gets brand new people who are lost and clutter up the phone lines asking why are they in someone else's underwear. ]

Let me guess, you went to bed last night not here and now you wake up and you're here [ beat. ] and married. [ She's psychic, let me tell you!!! She's psychic! ]


stoppedhiding November 18 2011, 19:52:14 UTC
...yes. [ She sounds like she's used to this happening. ] With children, apparently. Is this [ pause; "normal" isn't the word he wants to use ] common?


luxuriality November 19 2011, 08:07:12 UTC
It's more or less a cycle. It's how everyone arrives, myself included. [ ...she hands him a slightly outdated pamphlet. ] This, while slightly outdated and bare, more or less highlights the situation at hand. I hope survival is a specialty of yours. [ Not really. She's apathetic either way but you can't get rooks if you can't get pawns (unsure) ]


stoppedhiding November 19 2011, 20:56:48 UTC
...Ah. [ He takes the pamphlet and looks over it, just skimming for now for the most important parts.

...Three years, this has been happening? Realizing just how much he's walking into blind is a little dizzying. ]

I should have no trouble with that. [ Well, maybe a little trouble, without a weapon or his magic. ] Thank you. This answers a lot of questions. Are you the one who put this together?


luxuriality November 21 2011, 07:57:18 UTC
[ She just notes his reaction and lightly shakes her head "no" at his question. ]

Surviving isn't as easy as it looks. Sometimes the town decides to take away your abilities and force you to kill each other, the usual. It'll do anything, and everything, to make sure we're always at square one. [ pause ] However, I didn't make it. The one that did is on a tantrum, so, he's not giving them out or answering questions right now. I have talked to someone who affirmed most of this information and gave me some additional facts on her own.


stoppedhiding November 21 2011, 22:01:08 UTC
So we aren't meant to resist the situation we've been forced into, at all. The ones behind this expect us to simply go along with all of this like puppets.

[ He doesn't even know what to say to the rest of that. A tantrum, really? Who could be so immature? ]


luxuriality November 22 2011, 10:37:52 UTC
Not really. There were some resistances but Mayfield droned the leaders and dismembered them. An embarrassment if you ask me. [ weak infrastructures are not Lust's joy. ] Everyone tries to resist, or most people do, but with the level of disorganization being so painfully apparent, it's hard to get anywhere.


stoppedhiding November 22 2011, 20:55:11 UTC
[ Dismembered the leaders, or the resistances? On second thought, maybe he shouldn't ask. ]

It sounds rather hopeless when you describe it like that.


luxuriality November 23 2011, 08:11:34 UTC
[ He's free to ask on both accounts, she doesn't mind. ]

It's not hopeless, it's just flawed. If we put a little more effort into organization, these problems wouldn't exist.


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