
Apr 22, 2004 20:00

The show at the outhouse started 2 hours ago. I suppose I am not going. But I just might after I waste some time updating this journal that really means nothing unless you want to know about my day and sometimes, what I am thinking. Run-on sentences are gorgeous.

I went with Katie, Gilad, Diya and Cohen to hang the photo club's photos at Mission City Cafe. That place smells really good and I love that our art work decorates its walls. It didn't take as long as Cohen said it would, but then again, he moves slow. Very slow.

After that was accomplished, I called up Ally and asked her to accompany me on my search for prom shoes. 2 stores and a mall later, still no shoes. Seriously, the most popular style out there is the ballet shoe....and NO STORE has them. :-/ I also failed in purchasing my dad a birthday gift and his birthday is tomorrow. I will just buy something at Winchester. As for the shoes, I am calling up my cousin Amy and seeing if she has anything.

What I did accomplish is buying new underwear, which is always fun. Ally whole heartedly agrees with me on this: cute and/or pretty underwear makes you happier. Just knowing it is cute. And believe me, these are cute. One has a little red tent on the front and the back says "boy scouting". ^_^ Another says "Bombshell" on the back with a pin-up girl. And the last are just black with lace trim. Ally and I deemed them to be "racy". Racier than the ones that said "Racy". I also purchased new bras and one is pink so that is a cheer-up factor, too.

So now that you all know what kind of underwear I have, your world is COMPLETE! I have work tomorrow from 5-7. gurg. I need to request sunday off because I want to be at the opening reception of the photo show. My very first photo show. ^_^

I suppose I should go to that show now. It's gonna be all emo or indie and boring. But it must be done. Just one roll and I'll be done for the night.
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