Apr 20, 2005 20:03
Right so I'll be the first one to admit that I'm a
drama queen........but sometimes it sux when every1 knows ur a drama
queen cause when ur actually in trouble nobody believes you
LOL......which is why today @ dancin when I compelety passed out during
my solo and woke up bawling(which was quite embarssing cause I sounded
like mini-me in that one episode of the surreal life where he gets real
drunk and starts moaning wierd phrases and shit)......ppl didnt know
what to do cause thye thought I was jokin
around...................HAHAHAHAi wasnt...........But it was def a FRUMA SARA RELAPSE(hehe...PEARLS!!).......the
only difference was that I wasnt dropping my body into the hands of
random ppl from a tall bed backboard.......haha thank goodness I was on
the ground this time lol..........
yea.....been super sick...pukin....... phlem balls...more pukin... lol
you know...the whole shabang....it really sux.....especially
since I legally cant miss ne more school LOL..........so
NEWHOOO.....even tho i'm sick..................
......630.....I mean we dont really put on that great of a show....and
i'm sick so I prolly wont either.......but it'll give ya somethin to
do....and it would really make me happy...like REAL HAPPY!!....and lately I have been needin a boost..........so C0ME AND BOOST ME!lol
P.s Brachey made my day last night when he called me from swing to see if I was okay! CANT WAIT UNTIL PROM BABE! WOO!
P.p.s Its official........ASTHMA IS CONTAGEOUS....or contagious.....or
something(haha Jess u get introuble for making totally accurate
observation and ur prolly gonna rich for it! lol)
p.p.p.s TESSEY I ADMIRE YOUR STRENGTH MY LOVE!....cause I personally
would be so mad @ the world and I wouldnt come out of my room for
years.....I admire you so much for that......and I knwo u know it but
I'll say it newayz just wait and one day all of the burden will
lift off your shoulders...... and you'll find the burden of another
stupid boy lol!.............you're my strength.