I love Americans. I love AMerican society. And I love American ignorance. I mean the single most fascinating component of AMerican society is our ignorance. WE are ignorant to everything, war, corporate censorship, the programming of AMerican consumerism, everything. However, the subject I find it most fascinating that we choose to be ignorant
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We need racism in order to sustain a dual labor market, wherein we can de-industrialize and move our factories to cheaper locations, hiring thousands of local villagers to churn out cheap shit we don't need for fifty cents a day. Maquilladores at the Mexican border can hire and fire workers as they please because these areas are so poor that people will journey from hundreds of miles away just for the chance of getting empolyment, even at a factory with such horrible working conditions.
Anarchists and would-be Marxists have been shouting about how to stop the wheels fo the capitalist machine for decades, giving us thousands of 'solutions,' everything from violence and bombs to songs and poetry. Believe me, the only way to bring capitalism to its knees is to end racism and the poverty it ensures.
Careful though, this means a tighter budget on our holiday shopping trips! With prices raised and third-world workers making enough money to buy food and clothes for their families, Americans might have to skimp out on the toys for Bobby and Jane, maybe reconsidering even that new H2 or cheesy diamond necklace for their favorite mistress!!! Cry out for help people, this is Christmas for Christ's sakes! We need our shit! We need to buy things! It's all we have left!
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