May 29, 2005 08:27
Why do i still have this thing? haha
So every once and about once every week or once every two weeks, I get a call from a blocked caller on my cell phone. I pick up, and they don't say a word, and just sit there for 15-30 seconds while I say "Hello" continuessly. Then they hang up. The thing is, I am almost 99% certain that it isn't any of my friends who have my number because that is just lame. If it were any of my friends they would make a joke about it or something and do it alot more often than it happens.. I guess there is a reason I am taking this seriously? Well I don't guess. I know exactly why I'm taking this seriously. Maybe it's just that itty bitty hope I have left in me I guess.
On to other news.
Today i get a haircut finally after sooo long.
Erik Kory will be here in nyc for a week to hangout in about a month!
Sweet fucking times.
Also i guess this is just me saying a bunch of random pointless shit, just because i haven't updated this in so long.
ok shower time.