Jul 11, 2004 16:21
guess what. today is the 11 and taking back sunday's new album comes out in 16 days. normally you would say
"john who cares or, john you are just getting too anxious too early."
well guess who already has it and. it is the most phenominal thing ever.
it is really pretty you guys. this cd is truly "where you want to be."
i feel very happy to be exactly where i am in my life and i feel completely desirable, which is a good thing for me at times considering most of the time i'm just figuring all the things i'ver done entirely wrong. and most of the time i'm too busy fighting my skin demons to be desirable.
also i feel overly charming and completely cute, but that's enough boosting of my ego. i guess what makes me feel this way is the fact that i dont need a girl at all and i've reached that plateua that comes around for me every once and awhile after my climbs . in any case this plateau is where i dont feel that need to have a girl and so i can be completely honest and cute and flirt and mean everything and still be care to keep it light you know.
and readign all this i realize everything i just said is about me ( which is ok i guess cas it's my journal) but