Name: Kaze (or Far)
kazekasai Contact: AIM- kazearashikokoro
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Series: Tales of Vesperia/AU (TotA version)
Character: Rita Mordio
Timeline: After the death of her closest friend Aster, post searching for her friend Estellise, and right after being stuck on a random island.
Personality: Rita is a genius, plain and simple. Of course, with genius comes a few quirks. Maybe more than a few. For one, she's night obsessed with fonic formulas (especially the working out of them) and fonology. Obsessed in the sense that when she starts, she cannot stop. Seriously. She will stand in the freaking rain to finish a formula if she has to. This sort of behavior, of course, makes some people (aka Aster) worried about her.
With her genius intellect comes a bit of arrogance. She is very sure in her ability as a fonist and her skills in mathematics and the sciences (especially chemistry), and her knowledge. She doesn't like to be wrong, though it is very rare that she is about things. So don't correct her if you value your life, as she, again, is good at spellcasting, and will burn you to a crisp!
Violent? Rita? Of course not! She's as gentle as a fly when she hits people! (Sarcasm, of course.)
This girl is quick to anger and responds in a most volatile fashion the majority of the time. Her favorite thing to do is scorching people with Fireball when she is angered. Staying on her good side is wise. Some of this part of her nature may come form her lonely life, as she has only had two people she had considered friends in her entire life. As one might suspect, she is prone to being a loner, and likes quiet better than cacophonies of sound. Also, don't be surprised by her cynicism. She can't help but be a realist. And of course, branching from said realism is a no-nonsense attitude. Logic was the sovereign of Rita's mind.
Background: Rita was orphaned at a young age. She was taken in early on by researchers of Belkend and raised by them. It was they who fueled her thirst to know and research and learn. Since she was 6, she had begun learned science, math, and fonology that would be her later career in life. When she was eight years old, a young prodigy boy came to Belkend-Aster. At first, she tried to keep distance between herself and the boy, but he was adamant in becoming friends, and she eventually relented; thus, they became total bffls. Until Aster died. ...Oh wait, that's later on. Er...spoiler alert!
Skipping ahead a year or two or three, she also had another awesome researcher friend (but one not as awesome as Aster). They collaborated on a project. Her “friend” stabbed her in the back and took all the credit for it, even going so far as slandering Rita. She lost trust in people, and thus her obsession with formulas began. (Aster remained her faithful friend, of course.) Nothing more really happened until perhaps a year before her present fifteen years of life, where she met the local nobility and their daughter. The situation was about the same with her as it was Aster, and they two became great friends eventually.
A year passed, and Aster was called away for a study or something of the sort in Akzeriuth. Unfortunately, that was when the place went kablooey, and...Aster died. Rita, of course, oblivious as she was, didn't find out until much later. She saw a replica of him leaving Belkend one night and formed a suspicion. Later, it was confirmed. She was a sad, sad panda. Eventually, she was sent by her other friend's parents to find said friend-as a dying request, since the night she saw the replica? Yeah, he kindasorta almost accidentallyish set the town on fire. Oops.
Thus her epic quest began. She met two weirdos-a bratty kid genius fonist and a sarcastic man who got fried during a crossfire between Rita and other said weirdo-and they went of to search more for Rita's last friend. But, in the events of the search, they stowed away on a boat. They were found, then marooned and Random Island Number Eighty-Three. And, after falling asleep one night on the island, she had a dream of the old days with Aster. She woke up that morning in Paradise.
Abilities/Additional Notes: As said before, she's a genius and is good at math and just about all sciences. She can use fonic artes-magic split into six elements and the Seventh fonon, of sound, that can destroy or heal. She cannot use the Seventh fonon, however, nor the Sixth-light. She uses darkness, earth, water, fire, and some air-lightning-type spells, really. And, again, she is an AU version from the Tales of the Abyss world of Auldrant.
Advocate Note:: N/A :3