Feb 01, 2009 21:26
So the Superbowl is on right now...A few thoughts..
-Those horse commercials are AMAZING. I absolutley love Budweiser for making them...
-Hulu is advertising on TV? Man I've been hipped to Hulu for over a year, now all the shmucks out there will be watching it and slowin my shit down...fuck....
-My mom got us 3D glasses, Max says they look cute on me but I say they give me a headache...
-Speaking of football, and Max, our one year anniversary was over a month ago, so to celebrate we went to the Bills/Patriots game, it was the last game of the Bills season and the best game ot lose our live-NFL-game-virginity to. We had never seen a live game and my favorite team vs his fav team was perfect. However we were NOT fans of the 70 MPH winds and freezing rain that disabled our grill and abilities to tailgate...Oh well, there is always next season :)
-I made chicken wing dip for the first time today, and man that shit is effen amazing! I highly recommend it with pork rinds. Just make sure you have a defibillator handy
-Morissey tickets are sold out :( anyone got any to spare??
-Maxi is adorable. He doesnt know what LJ stands for...
-I cant wait for the new Lily Allen album to come out!!! February 10th!!!!
- I really with the Cardinals werent sucking so much ass right now...
-School is going ok, made the deans list last semester, if I can keep it up one more I think Ill be satisfied to have a less than perfect grade...
-I am actually ENJOYING chemistry right now. Probably because I have an awesomely enthusiastic grampa-like teacher...Biology on the other hand is starting off on a sucky note, my prof sucks and ruined out bacteria samples last week so we already are behind a three hour long lab...
-So finding a job for Max in Rochester is proving to be quite challenging...He has an interview with Paychex next Monday, wish him luck :)
-We are looking at apartments...Either a two bedroom for both of us or a one bed/studio for him. I dont really want us to share a one bed and definitley not a studio unless its huuuge. So we are looking for a two bed within the city, heat included, under $650 a month...Is this possible? Probably not. Will we try? Absolutely!
-I love my Pathfinder. Nissan rules.
-Lately Ive been selling a lot of art stuff.. I havent been making anything new, with the exception of a wooden puzzle star I burned over break, which seemed to start this whole wave of orders. Its kinda nice having people come up to ME to buy my stuff as opposed to having to go out and sell it myself...Now I just need some time to make more, and set it up on Etsy...
-One hour episode of Office post-superbowl. Fuckin flav!