Dear Yuletide writer...

Nov 15, 2009 14:44

Dear Yule Goat,

Hello, and thank you in advance! I just know I'll love whatever you write; I can feel it in my bones. I hope you're as excited to write one of my obscure fandoms as I was to request them. I think my rambly details pretty much covered specifics, but just in general, know that I will read most things! I'm not terribly fond of boyslash, just because I usually need a girl in a story to find it interesting, but I have been known to read it and like it, so there you go. I'm easy. I love good dialogue as well as long introspective character studies; I love humor and hijinks as much as I love angst and heartbreak; I love canon and fanon and crack. I don't necessarily love all of these things for all fandoms, but like I said, I think the details I wrote will speak for themselves. Mostly, I want you to write what YOU feel comfortable writing; I find that often, people's writing really takes off when they're exploring what they love.

For the record: while a Yuletide rule is that the writer must include all requested characters, I hereby grant you permission to break that rule. I'd be happy to see any combination of the characters I requested. I think this is implied in the details, but I wanted to state it explicitly.

RequestFandom1: Tom Stoppard - Arcadia
RequestFandomChar1: Bernard Nightingale/Hannah Jarvis/Valentine Coverly
RequestDetail1: Much as I adore Thomasina & Septimus fic, I would love to see something that focuses on the contemporary set. The dynamic between Hannah, Valentine, and Bernard is so interesting, so I'd love to see any combination of those characters explored.

I am a shipping whore and find myself intrigued by both Hannah/Val and Hannah/Bernard. I also love any kind of friendship between those three. If you feel like throwing in the 1800s crew, I have no objections - I just find that they are more commonly written ("more commonly" here being a relative term), so I wanted to push the others to the forefront.

RequestFandom2: Orson Scott Card - Enders Game series
RequestFandomChar2: Ender Wiggin/Valentine Wiggin
RequestDetail2: Anything that focuses on Valentine. If Ender is thrown in, I'd certainly not object - I love their relationship.

I've only read through Speaker for the Dead, although I do plan to read the others. I don't really fear spoilers, just know that if you throw in minor details from the second two books, I may not pick up on them.

RequestFandom3: Weeds (tv)
RequestFandomChar3: Andy Botwin/Conrad Shepherd/Kat/Nancy Botwin
RequestDetail3: I'll take anything that involves some (preferably male/female) combination of these characters. A Nancy/Andy story that fixes the shenanigans of season five? A Nancy/Conrad story that may or may not respect canon? Some Andy/Kat hijinks? Who knows!

Self-explanatory, I believe. :)

RequestFandom4: RPF - Firefly
RequestFandomChar4: Any
RequestDetail4: I select "any" knowing I'm at risk of getting slash. which I'd prefer not to get. If that's what you offered, I understand, and I've been in a similar boat. Write what you're passionate about! But what I'd love, ideally, is as much of the ensemble as possible, together, talking, bonding, reuniting, remembering, discussing new shows - whatever. I just love this cast as a whole. Wouldn't object to random pairings, I'd just rather the story didn't focus on them. I have a strange penchant for Sean/Summer, and this weird crack ship affinity for Morena/Alan (who are both on V!). Alternately, feel free to ignore this entire paragraph - sorry for the senseless ramble

Also self-explanatory, most likely. Although: the best advice I can give you regarding this prompt is probably to ignore everything I said and just run with it.

Thank you again! Happy Holidays!


books: orson scott card, theater: arcadia, fanfic: yuletide, rpf omg, fandom: weeds, holiday: christmas/hanukkah, fandom: firefly

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