drabble: jossverse

Sep 24, 2009 23:00

Title: Grievances Aired
Fandom: Jossverse. All of it.
Word count: 100
Warning: Death spoilers for Firefly and Buffy (seasons 5 and 7).
Summary: The Jossverse characters have a few complaints.
Notes: Yay, I tied for first place in the whedonland crossover drabble contest! I also don't write crack very often, and it's always a ball. I enjoyed this. :D

“I’m sorry, but I really think we have the most legitimate complaint here,” Wash reasoned, glancing behind him for support. Shepherd Book and Joyce squeezed his shoulders encouragingly, and Anya gave a decisive nod.

“At least you’re properly dead,” Spike grumbled. “Give undead a go, see how you like it.”

“I might as well be dead,” snapped Caroline. “I think the least we deserve is to see the light of day.”

Angel winced. “I disagree.”

Kaylee raised a tentative hand. “Isn’t anybody here… happy?”

Everybody glared. “Um, no,” Topher told her.

“Our sorrows are His amusements,” River intoned.

Everyone sighed.

fanfic: i wrote some, community: whedonland, fandom: angel, fandom: dollhouse, person: joss whedon, fandom: btvs, fandom: firefly

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