(no subject)

Nov 04, 2007 20:30

The case against Cara Gibson (DeviantArt user name: CaraGibson):

On Friday, November 2nd, an LJ user by the name of zacloud made me aware that a DeviantArt user with the moniker of CaraGibson plagiarized the first two chapters of my FFVII fic, All But Blood (http://www.akane.org/fanfiction/allbutblood). I asked her to take them down (rather politely, I thought -- I didn't even use any foul language), and she ignored me by deleting my comments and email, blocking me, and not removing the plagiarized chapters. I reported her, but as yet the plagiarized chapters remain on DeviantArt.

She has also posted the plagiarized story to her personal website at http://www.freewebs.com/carasstories/

Here are the plagiarized chapters on DeviantArt:



Please compare to my original work here:



You'll notice that most of the story was stolen word for word, and where she bothered to change it, the story is still the same.

Here are a few pieces of evidence:



I wake up abruptly, jolted away from the usual Mako-induced nightmares by the sound of a door scraping open against a stone floor, and the familiar squeal of hinges badly in need of oiling.

I jolted awake from the usual mako induced nightmares, shivering and shaking, suspended in glowing green mako that made breathing an absolute agony.


"How ya' feelin', kid?" I ask softly. Kid. He hates it when I call him that, and it's hardly appropriate anyway, since he's... what, 19 or 20? Anyway, he's now older than I was when we first found ourselves trapped here five years ago, but sometimes it just comes out.

But apparently he's too sick to even get angry over my verbal slip. A weak half smile curls his lip. "I... feel like... shit, thanks," he says, and then his smile fades, and his pain-filled gaze grows distant, drifting from me as he lifts one trembling hand to his forehead. "I... can hear them again," he whispers, and his voice takes on a haunted, almost child-like sing-song tone that sends shivers up my spine. "/All the time../."

"Hey kid, how you feeling?"

Shit, I knew he hated being called kid. After all, how old was he now? 18? 19? Well, older than I was when we were put in this living hell. He smiled weakly.

"I feel...I feel like shit. But thanks for asking."

He seemed to weak to notice my slip. His spikey blond hair soaked with sweat ans his mako-blue eyes half closed. This was my friend, Cloud Strife.

Cloud moaned.

"The voices, they're talking to me"



I wake up abruptly, jolted away from the usual Mako-induced nightmares by the sound of a door scraping open against a stone floor, and the familiar squeal of hinges badly in need of oiling.


Through the swirling green mist of Mako that keeps me suspended, hanging weightless in the middle of this damned specimen cylinder, I see my fears confirmed. It's Hojo. And, oh joy, he's brought along two of his lab flunkies. Which can only mean that he's planning on running more of his sadistic tests.

Damn. It's been three whole days since he was last down here, and I was hoping...

But of course, I should have know the brief reprieve wouldn't last. I've learned, after nearly five years of being this madman's prisoner, that Hojo would sooner saw off his own limbs than allow one of his experiments to go personally unattended by him for too long.

I can't help but notice that these two flunkies are different from the usual pair that come down here. These two new guys look like they are in their mid 20's or so -- not much older than me. They also look a lot stronger than the two middle-aged guys that were working with Hojo before, and that makes me wonder if I really busted that guy's jaw the last time they took me out of this damned tube. I thought I felt something give when I lashed out, but, at the time, I was so drugged out on the tranquilizers that Hojo had pumped into me that I couldn't be sure. Even so, it gave me no small amount of satisfaction to know that I managed to briefly slip their bonds and whup their asses, in spite of my mind and body being slowed down by a drug-induced haze.

I heard it again. The rusty squeal of hinges that badly needed oiling. Oh no. not today. It has been nearly three days and I had been hoping... but I should of know that Hojo wouldn't leave his precious specimens for long. I focused my eyes on him. He was accompanied by two guys. On closer inspection, I saw that these weren't Hojo's normal cronies, who were middle aged and balding. These new guys were about twenty, which made me think that I really must of busted that guys jaw the last time they let me out of here.

I saw that they weren't carrying weapons, which ment that they must be here for... damnit...Cloud... At any moments those creeps would be here and here Cloud rambling on about Jenova.


Her personal information as listed publicly on her DeviantArt page is as follows:

Website http://www.freewebs.com/carasstories/
Email cegblackthorn@aol.com
AIM cegblackthorn
MSN cara4Keane@hotmail.co.uk

Any help you can give in this matter is greatly appreciated.

2007, mod: spiralleds, medium: fanfiction, fandom: final fantasy vii

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