TaPiR received a report that FFN author
Kimi Chenergy was plagiarizing stories by one very well-known author in the Naruto fandom,
TaPiR Report:
FFNID 4775731 - Kimi Chenergy - Naruto - [active] On being confronted by readers of SilverShine's work, Kimi Chenergy quickly claimed that she was the same person as SilverShine, who had been locked out of her account thanks to an email hack.
Screenshots courtesy of original case reporter
Clearheart "A screenshot of Kimi Chenergy's profile with the stories:
"A PM of her claiming to be Silvershine (the original author):
None of these explained why an author of SilverShine's repute would have plagiarized stories by two other FFN authors on her profile,
WynterSky and
Cyri's Alter Ego, which TaPiR mod
Mach68 soon uncovered.
On being confronted again, Kimi Chenergy quickly pulled the other plagiarized stories and left only Silvershine's stories, plus one yet to be unidentified story, and reasserted that she was Silvershine in the AN of one of her stories.
While some readers rejoiced at the news as Silvershine had previously gone inactive, others were not as convinced there was no foul play is involved. Rightly so, as the following PM trap sufficiently confirms, whoever Kimi Chenergy is: Silvershine is certainly not she.
Currently, Kimi Chenergy has managed to deceive a number of Silvershine's readers, and has yet to be exposed for her identity theft although plagiarism of the other stories had been brought up.
The Avenger is wroth, as Silvershine happens to be a favorite author of his. Confirmation and exposure of her deeds on the comm is requested.