Plagiarism of a Harry Potter fic

Apr 04, 2013 09:31

Yesterday, someone brought my attention to the fact that at, a user posted a story of mine as though it had been written by them.

My story is Daddy's Girl, written in September, 23, 2009, and first shared at LiveJournal at this link:

At on February 20, 2013, the user Rey Kerberus posted my story as theirs. Here is the pertinent information:

Published: 02-20-13
title: Daddy s girl lilly
author: Rey Kerberus
author link:

There actually may be a reference to past plagiarism in the comments, as one respondent notes that they remember the story as posted by a user called The Sovereign Lord of Darkness and then taken down. That user, The Sovereign Lord of Darkness, actually left a cryptic comment on Rey Kerberus's story -- whether as a nudge to the fact that the story had been "copied" from theirs (in which case they would have been the first to plagiarize my fic) or perhaps as a nod that Rey Kerberus is another username for The Sovereign Lord of Darkness.

In any case, the story is actually mine, and if that other user (The Sovereign Lord of Darkness) already took their post of the fic down, I suppose there's not much to do about that.

But I am concerned about Rey Kerebus sharing my story as though it were theirs. As I am not a member of, I have no way of contacting the user/plagiarist directly.

I'm also contacting mods (no idea how responsive they are to things like this), so I've taken screencaps of the posted story for my records, in case either the author deletes his/her account and/or the story, or the story is taken down by site admin. I'll be happy to share these caps (story header, the story itself, comments) with anyone if necessary.

Thank you.

2013, site:, medium: fanfiction, mod: lilithilien, fandom: harry potter

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