Plagiarism by ArjetLuna

Jan 18, 2013 21:35

Two hours ago I read an author's note by Angel Baby1 at FFN regarding her story Atlas. lex987 had informed Angel Baby1 that ArjetLuna put up a version of her story Atlas called Fame.
ArjetLuna's profile was purged of all info and all stories within the last hour.

Screencaps of the profile before everything was removed.

Atlas by Angel Baby1 was first posted at FFN 31 Aug 2009 in the Star Trek:2009 fandom and contains 25 chapters + one author's note.
Fame by Arjetluna was first posted at FFN 16 Jul 2012 in the Smash fandom and contained 20 chapters as of 17 Jan 2013.
I have screencaps and a saved copy of Fame's first chapter and comparing it to Atlas it's essentially the same story. ArjetLuna changed it from Slash to Het but kept the author notes.
Angel Baby1 is aware of the plagiarism as should ArjetLuna since most of Fame's reviewers seems to have reported her/him today and yesterday.

The top of the first chapter:

The end of the first chapter:

fandom: smash, 2013, site:, fandom: star trek reboot, medium: fanfiction, mod: lilithilien

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