Plagiarism Case in The Sentinel Fandom

Feb 04, 2006 16:41

Both ponders_life and uniquewonders have emailed me over the last few days with details of a plagiarism case, in which someone called Darkdreamer systematically found and re-worked both fanfic and original fic and uploaded it as her own fic. It was investigated by fluterbev, and she was helped, if I understand it correctly, by carodee and arnie1967. Looking over the investigation, a summary post of which can be found here, it seems to have occured in much the same fashion as one of our own investigations, and so there doesn't seem to be any reason why Darkdreamer shouldn't be added to our list. And so they have been.

As part of her investigation, fluterbev has started to create a list of various archives' policies when it comes to plagiarism. I think she's still interested in compiling a list, so if anyone has a few spare minutes, a comment linking to/copying the policies of archives you're involved with would be very much appreciated!


plagiarist: darkdreamer, fandom: the sentinel, admin: decisions, 2006, mod: quinara

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