spiralleds and I have come to the conclusion that it is time to bring some more mods onto the team. So, basically, that’s what this post is asking - do you want to be a mod?
But, Quin, I don’t really know anything about plagiarism!
We aren’t looking for people who necessarily know a lot about plagiarism, just people who can be calm, inquisitive, logical and thorough - people who are willing to work on a case, and deal with works they might not normally seek out themselves due to rating, pairing etc.
It sounds a bit too much like hard work for me… what would I even get out of it?
Cases can sometimes become a bit involved, but that in no way outbalances the rewards that being a mod brings. You get to investigate situations, google-fuing eventually like the best of them, and solve cases (which is so much more satisfying than a su doku); you get to feel like you’re giving something back to the fandom that you love; and you get to join
stop_plag_mods, where you can have extremely interesting discussions about issues that arise, making friends and developing your own deductive powers.
Does it matter what fandom I belong to?
Not at all! It doesn’t even matter what you do in fandom - though some knowledge of the way online-fandom operates would probably be useful. By that I don’t mean that you have to have intimate knowledge of how one makes an icon or a vid, just an appreciation for what they are.
That’s all very well, but now you’re going to make me jump through hoops, aren’t you?
Not really - just leave a comment and we’ll give it a try. :)
PS. In case you’re worried about people judging you, comments are screened.