And I Heard, as it Were, The Sound of Thunder... (Open Log)

Jan 10, 2012 06:34

Who: Everyone!
What: The first signs in the breakdown of civilized society.
When: Jan 10th-16th
Where: The S.S. Thor
Warnings: *points to "what"*

One of the four beasts saying, Come and see... )

red, naoto shirogane, duo maxwell, !event, sherlock holmes (2009), raimu 'rhyme' bito, irene adler

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general crime...fighting...? OPEN TO ANYTHING yes_mother_hen January 10 2012, 17:09:12 UTC
[from one scene of chaos to another-- it's funny, considering that his mind wanders to images of Blackwood and his following of 'Dark Magic', even if that case pales in comparison to the one that he's just come back from. Ironic, really, that the events of that case should now be a little more relevant to this current situation than his most recent endeavor.

not that he doesn't see the correlations between the threat of impending war and...this. Moriarty's words ring fresh in his mind: "humans have a proclivity towards conflict--you're fighting the human condition, Mr. Holmes."

he traces a dried graffiti scrawl with one finger, pretending not to notice the group of shady-looking gentlemen coming towards him. most likely after his wallet-- Holmes surmises that the first three are the attackers, and the gentleman in the back row is the leader.

it's funny, how obvious they make their lineup.

first line of attack? does he need backup? either way, this is gonna be a brawl!!!]


02hell January 10 2012, 17:43:59 UTC
Chaos? Duo lives for it. He arrived to Thor on the weekend only to find chaos everywhere. He is starting to believe it's his destiny, to jump from one world to the other, taking care of people who are against peace. No rest for the God of the Death.

The lineup is quite obvious, yes, but Duo doesn't know the full capacity of Holmes, so he decides to help like the good guy he is.

"Four 'gainst one? Now that's a lil' unfair, ain't it?"

Maybe he'll confuse the detective's observation skills a little bit. Duo talks, moves and fights like a thief - because he's indeed one, a child from the streets (although some traces of formal training could be notices here and there). But he's not with the gang or to rob Holmes, he's there to help - and help he will.

Fast and smooth movements - the leader is his.


yes_mother_hen January 10 2012, 18:00:33 UTC
Holmes had mapped out a course of attack, as always, but his train of actions is effectively cut off when the stranger jumps in (he's reminded of a certain gypsy)-- the young man's fighting style is reminiscent of things he sees when he boxes for 'leisure', but the fluidity of it all clues Holmes in to something more.

...But, either way, the rest of his plan remains intact, so instead of standing there with his eyes fixed on the newcomer (which he does do, for a split second), Holmes moves in and effectively disarms the thug that's nearest to him with a well-aimed punch and an uppercut.

"I do believe they weren't aiming to be 'fair'."


02hell January 10 2012, 18:10:28 UTC
"If they were aimin' for anythin' at all."

Chaos for the sake of chaos, that's what Thor looks like at the moment. Panic in the masses, a sight too familiar for Duo's liking. Well, at laest he can hit these, not like those demons from the last place he was at...

Impressed by Holmes movements, Duo decides to do a fair division. After putting the leader to sleep, he takes care of the third thug, leaving the other two for Holmes.

Two was, after all, a beautiful number.


yes_mother_hen January 10 2012, 18:31:22 UTC
"They were."

A beautiful number indeed, if only for the fact that it's quicker to get rid of two than it is to get rid of three.

But practicality aside, Holmes keeps one eye on Duo as he knocks the last of the shady individuals out onto the floor. Call it a habit, but he does have a propensity towards making quick, observational first impressions.

"A rendezvous with my wallet, I should think."


02hell January 10 2012, 18:42:40 UTC
"'Course, what was I thinkin'. We all know that when the end comes, what ya need is money." The sarcasm, can you feel it?

Duo shakes his head and then searches the leader. He's not stealing, he's just getting his guide to check for Purist activity.

"Ya have some nice moves, by the way." He compliments with his eyes fixed on the thug's guide, hacking into the memory like it was child's play.


yes_mother_hen January 11 2012, 02:52:11 UTC
"Bad people do bad things, regardless of necessity."

The words 'don't be a ponce' come to mind, but he definitely keeps that part in-- it's usually not well-received, not even really by Watson, who's used to it.

Holmes watches as the young man pries through the fallen man's belongings, raising a brow when he sees how skillfully he navigates the Guide.

"And so do you."

He means that in more ways than one.


02hell January 11 2012, 17:49:27 UTC
"I know. But it's funny what they claim t'do in the name of doomsday." To the compliment, Duo gives Holmes a cocky grin. "Know that too."

After no finding anything interesting on the guide, he throws it on top of the sleeping man and sighs. "Not a Purist, just 'nother idiot."


yes_mother_hen January 15 2012, 20:39:54 UTC
The word 'Purist' certainly commands a degree of attention, and Holmes tilts his head, inspecting the other party carefully.

"An idiot is preferable to the disapproving masses, I suppose."

He eyes the Guide that's been tossed unceremoniously onto the unconscious body, but knows that the young man isn't lying-- he'd be able to pick up on that if he was.

"They demand less, and are usually far less successful."

( and if you'd like to continue this thread on DW, the link is here! ))


:3 (shoot, what is this formatting. Whatever...) missthewoman January 10 2012, 18:08:16 UTC
If it was the end of their lives here in the midst of the stars, there was little she could do about it. Irene would not loose her head at the doom-sayers insistence, in any case. And nor would she change her routine.

Today, however, she wondered if it would have been more prudent to stay home - the atmosphere was so oppressive and the vandals more active.
Keeping her pace steady and her eyes alert she made her way to the usual park. However turning the corner she came upon a scuffle- brawl- ... Actually with Holmes in the midst of it, it was more of a one-sided fight. However he was outnumbered four-to-one, counting the leader who was hanging back ( ... )


haha, NO WORRIES NO WORRIES♥ yes_mother_hen January 10 2012, 18:20:20 UTC
Really, what was it with people and stealing his thunder these days? Though he doesn't realize that said thunder'd been stolen until he finishes the last of the thugs off with a strong right hook.

Expecting to see the leader either: a) prepared to fight in a last-minute attempt to save his dignity, or b) running for the hills, Holmes turns on his heels, his posture relaxed but ready...

...and he's clued in to Irene's presence as he's pivoting, smelling her scent before seeing the well-maintained figure standing just a few feet in front of him.



♥♥♥ missthewoman January 10 2012, 18:37:25 UTC
(She hadn't meant to steal his thunder so much as it was so very satisfying to get to hit someone. It's been a while.)

"Good afternoon, dear. Well done with those, but three against one, you didn't expect to come out without a scratch, did you?" Reaching into her other sleeve she drew out her handkerchief and used it to dab carefully at a long shallow scrape along his jaw.


♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ yes_mother_hen January 11 2012, 02:56:58 UTC
He eyes the sleeve that she most likely has the bludgeon hidden under, and looks to the side, giving her access to the wound across his jaw. He has a quickly forming bruise against his cheekbone, but that's really nothing new with him, is it?

"It was my face or my wallet."

Not that he really cares either way, but it's conversation.

"And what brings you to this side of the woods, so to speak?"


*rolls around in all the hearts~* missthewoman January 11 2012, 05:50:56 UTC
She smiles slightly - she can't exactly fault his reaction, for she would perhaps do the same (except she'd take much more care to protect her face).
The glance at her sleeve does not go unnoticed either.

"I am here for my habitual walk," she answered. "Care to escort me?"


/showers more on!! yes_mother_hen January 12 2012, 17:42:26 UTC
"It seem that this time, you're actually in need of one."

And he wipes his face haphazardly on his own sleeve, quickly, before straightening up and looking at his surroundings.

"Force of habit can be dangerous, indeed."


-o.o- missthewoman January 12 2012, 19:38:32 UTC
"Would you like a first-hand demonstration of how much I'm in need of one?"

She shoots the sleeve he'd wiped his face on a disdainful glance before stepping to his other side to take that arm. Despite his comment, she will have him escort her. (Unless he really would like a demonstration.)

"For all that I would love to banter over that with you, I would much rather hear if you've given my invitation proper consideration yet."

[[ooc: Does it work for you if this is the day after Holmes came back?]]


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