Who: Edward
steelalchemy & Kiriko
dr_kirikoWhat: Ed and Kiriko get stuck together during the magnet event
When: last week during the magnet event :|
Where: some... random corridor
Warnings: language i guess
The month was almost over, and Ed was just hoping he could make it through the rest of the next day without getting stuck to someone else. Getting stuck to Aphrodite had been... difficult. And he didn't want a repeat experience. So he'd been careful to put as much space as possible between him and everyone else.
At least until someone suddenly shoved him from behind. Though he hadn't felt anything touch his back, but he was shoved forward all the same. And then he felt the pull. Shit. He backpedaled as hard as he could, but the repulsive force behind him just shoved him right into the person he was trying not to get stuck to.
"Fuck. Sorry."
And then he looked up to see what kind of person he was stuck to.