[CLOSED] And she's off to the clinic already.

Oct 16, 2011 23:07

Who: Commander Shepard and Mordin Solus.
What: Shepard ended up getting hurt pretty badly when she was out scouting Silent Hill with Fox and Garrus, and needs to go see Mordin to get her wounds checked out.
When: Not too long after this happened.
Where: Back on S.S. Thor, at the Refugee's Haven Medical Clinic.
Warnings: More than likely for language, and possibly gore.

That was some interesting night those three had... Shepard honestly didn't expect to run into monsters such as the ones that resided in Silent Hill. Yeah, she's dealt with some crazy alien species in her time but never something so bizarre as the creatures she faced in Silent Hill. Especially taking out her shields so quickly? That's not all too common. Shepard shouldn't have had the others walking into that mission so blindly. She should have been more responsible, approached it differently. At least she was the one who payed for it, and not Fox or Garrus. Still though, they honestly didn't know what they were up against until they witnessed it firsthand. It wasn't her fault, or theirs and she didn't know why she felt a tad bit guilty. The female wanted to go back to the city and search for survivors, she had a feeling there might have been people still alive there, and she couldn't bare to leave them in those conditions.

But first things first, she needed to get checked out, even though she didn't exactly want to.

Stumbling right into the medical clinic where Mordin worked, was Shepard, the chestplate of her armor was off and the mesh bodysuit underneath was visible. The wound Shepard bared was quite obvious, peeking out from the torn and melted suit. Shepard could feel the pain beginning to resurface and she could feel the throbbing etch through her frame. Nimble fingers squeezed at the framework of the door, glancing around the room. Well, so far it certainly was a nice clinic. "Nice clinic you got here, Mordin." Shepard muttered out with a chuckle, even though her facial features showed the pained expression, she was trying to ignore it.

mordin solus, commander shepard

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