[Closed] Toast and Unfinished business

Oct 16, 2011 14:49

Who: Noah fon Ronsenburg, and his liege, Emperor Larsa Ferrinas Solidor
What: Toast and questions about a certain missing Solidor...
When: Earlier this morning
Where: Larsa's Pad
Warnings: Odd silences, a sad little emperor, and mixed-feelings from one confuddled Judge Magister

What do you say to news like that? )

noah 'gabranth' fon ronsenburg, larsa ferrinas solidor

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Comments 7

halcyonism October 16 2011, 20:17:10 UTC
[ No, person at the door. No. It is morning time and Larsa would really, really like to get some sleep. Or at least rest. Despite the exhaustion from his consistently overloaded schedule, Larsa manages to drag himself to the door and tug it open.

Oh! It's Ba-wait, no, it's Gabranth! Larsa's pretty shocked; Gabranth had been so busy lately that he hadn't expected to see the Judge any time soon. Though the timing of this visit has Larsa awfully suspicious. ]

Judge Magister Gabranth!

[ He's not awake enough to correct that mistake. At least he didn't mistake Gabranth for Basch, though. At any rate, he steps aside to make more room. ]

Please, come in.


strays_pride October 17 2011, 21:27:24 UTC
"Thank you, m'lord."

[Noah honestly doesn't notice the slip (Garanth is practically his name, anyways) as he carefully maneuvers himself past Larsa and sets his tray on a table.]

"I have brought a healthy breakfast for you, to save you the double of making one yourself." [Whelp. This is mildly awkward. He honestly is at a lost. He's been terrible and neglectful and he's technically not even Larsa's anymore, even if he argues and acts otherwise.

At least until he notices the hints of tiredness around the boy's eyes. Mother hen.] "My lord, are you all right?" [He actually sounds rather worried, and his face is creased in concern for the boy's welfare.]


halcyonism October 17 2011, 21:56:58 UTC
Oh, I... Thank you.

[ Oh boy! Breakfast...! To be honest, Larsa wouldn't have made his own breakfast anyway. He's been a lunch and dinner kind of guy ever since he came to the Thor... unless Kid takes him for breakfast. But even so, he appreciates the gesture of kindness! ]

I'm fine. Last night was... difficult for me, that's all. Breakfast will help, I'm sure.


strays_pride October 18 2011, 21:10:46 UTC
[Conerned lineface.]

Is there any way I can aid you?

[Larsa is an almost grown man, now. Doesn't mean Noah lacks any opinions on all this working, even if he accepts that it's Larsa's decision to make.]

You should rest more, m'lord.

[Vayne can wait, right?]


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