CLOSED ⤧ my friends and i fear irrelevance it's a fate worse, a fate worse than death

Sep 22, 2011 15:20

Who: nicotine_patch & prayforprey.
What: Accidental surprise outing, I guess........
When: Today!
Where: The Shack --> WHERE IT WILL GO
Warnings: TBA

[it's barely crawling passed noon and, not-in-bed-until-8-AM be damned, he's rousing that fox snug in his den of blankets and getting a little attention]

[with clumsy grabbing hands on shoulders and breath full of grow-smoke, he climbs atop and shakeshakeshakes the skinny man below, jeering;]

'Ey, 'ey, yoooo, geddup.

[he's plenty ready for the nicotine gnash and willing to provide, even as he slaps something flat and sticky over a forehead, tangled orange smacking disorganized under the offending object]

Foooooox, c'mon. You're plenty cute like this'n all, but we got tah git.

genkaku, badou nails

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