eyeinthepast and YOU!
What: Spike's off to find his precious Swordfish II
When: Yesterday evening
Where: The hangar
Warnings: Spike himself might be a warning in and of itself
So after what seemed ages in having to deal with aliens, paperwork, more aliens and the idea of aliens bowling with planets, Spike set off to find his ship. Some guy gave him directions to the hangar and said he saw his ship. Might as well check.
He kept stopping every so often to check out the place. Weird sort of ship. Big sort of ship. Really complicated sort of ship. He'd never seen a space ship with this many stores or so many people. All the while he smoked his cigarette and ignored everyone who told him to put it out. It's a big damn ship, they could walk away from him and avoid him.
About thirty minutes later, he got to the hangar. Spike grinned wildly when he saw his little red racer nicely parked between other ships. "There you are," he said to himself as he walked over to the Swordfish II.