[CLOSED] Seasalt ice cream is best

Jul 08, 2011 22:27

Who: recidivated & wantstolive
What: Ice cream eating!
When: Eheheh backdated to a few days ago
Where: An ice cream shoppe!
Warnings: Do not read if you are lactose intolerant.

When he was here before, he'd had ice cream with Xion. )

xion, luke fon fabre

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recidivated July 9 2011, 02:52:47 UTC
[he certainly isn't late to the meeting; Xion's the one who's early. she'd been so excited to finally get the chance to catch up with Luke. she is sad, of course, that she would have to start all over with him... but then again, she's no stranger to being forgotten. it's... actually sort of funny, to her, in an ironic way; how many times has she had this kind of encounter? in the same ice cream shop, no less. it's fitting, though-almost a sort of... tradition for her now.

when she hears the door open, she turns, then waves when she sees it's her friend. she smiles as she stands up from her seat near the display window at the front, walking over to greet him.]

Hey, Luke!


wantstolive July 9 2011, 04:01:24 UTC

[ He's all smiles, waving at her as she approaches. ]

Thanks for meeting me here. You weren't waiting too long, were you?


recidivated July 9 2011, 05:52:16 UTC
No, you're right on time.

[still grinning, she leads him over to the counter, where she gives a very jovial wave to the worker there. she then turns back around.]

This is my favorite ice cream shop. I come here pretty much every week.


pleeeease do not hate me for ridiculously late tag;; wantstolive July 26 2011, 05:58:59 UTC
I can tell! It looks like you're pretty good friends with the workers here.

[ Takin' a seat. ]

Are there a lot of ice cream shops? I haven't really looked....


I COULD NEVER HATE YOU... recidivated July 26 2011, 06:31:16 UTC
I'm not sure, actually. I've only ever come to this one... I like it here, though, so I'm not complaining.


Even though I'm three weeks late... orz oh my god I am so sorry;; wantstolive July 26 2011, 07:15:06 UTC
Heh. I don't have any complaints either. The atmosphere here is really friendly.

[ Also, I kinda assumed there were stools at the counter like a bar.. Smiling~ Kinda feels like a home-away-from-home. ]

What kind of ice cream do they have here? I really haven't had much of it, so I don't think I could choose something on my own without an explanation.


I am the most patient ever...ALSO IT'S LIKE A BIRTHDAY PRESENT recidivated July 27 2011, 06:12:50 UTC
[s'all good! she laughs and points up at the giant board behind the counter, upon which lots of flavors are posted. she's grinning at him like a little kid in a candy store. which is. pretty much what both of them are.]

They have all kinds! If you can think of a flavor, they probably have it here.


Except LJ was down for forever.... wantstolive July 27 2011, 17:22:19 UTC
[ ...Wow that's a lot of flavors. ]

Yeah, that's how it looks! Man, I can just imagine how many months it'd take to try each flavor at least once.... I guess I could just start at the beginning of the menu and work my way down, huh?

[ The most serious thinking expression! Selecting a flavor of ice cream is serious business, after all. ]

What are you gonna get?


cry recidivated July 28 2011, 18:45:07 UTC
[she laughs at his reaction; it was pretty much the same way she would have reacted upon hearing something like that.]

I've been here for more than a year and I still haven't tried everything.

[then she glances up at the board herself, looking a bit thoughtful as she does so.]

I'm not sure whether I should try something new, or get my favorite.


/waves flag for LJ being tentatively up wantstolive July 31 2011, 20:56:38 UTC
That long, huh....

[ Thinking in Auldrant years! So three years and she still hasn't tried everything. Wow, shop. You're filled with so much ice cream. ]

Your favorite? Which flavor is that?


let's do this!! recidivated July 31 2011, 21:19:49 UTC
[...yeah, even by that measure of year, it'd still probably hold up. ALL THAT ICE CREAM, MAN. ALL OF IT.]

Sea salt. Have you ever heard of it?


for the greater good! for sea salt ice cream! wantstolive July 31 2011, 21:21:37 UTC

I've heard of sea salt, but not of sea salt ice cream. I didn't even know you could make ice cream out of sea water! But isn't it too salty to eat?


awwwww yeah recidivated July 31 2011, 21:23:11 UTC

The sweetness balances it out. [she laughs sheepishly, scratching her cheek.] It makes a lot more sense if you eat it, trust me.


wantstolive July 31 2011, 21:26:47 UTC
[ WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO LUKE?! No regrets? ]

The sweetness balances it out....

[ Scrunching his face up in thought for a moment. He's trying to imagine the taste, but even with imaginary sweetness, it's still too salty! But he's curious now. After all, he's had some pretty awful food. This can't be that bad. Besides, it's Xion's favorite! ]

All right! I've decided. I'll order sea salt ice cream. You can order whatever you want or you can order sea salt, too. I'll pay.


recidivated July 31 2011, 21:28:59 UTC

Why don't we make it even? I'll have whatever your favorite flavor is.

[then she realizes what he just said.]

-Oh, no, it's okay, I can pay for mine! Thanks for the offer, though.


wantstolive July 31 2011, 21:36:37 UTC
I don't really have a favorite. I can't even remember the last time I had ice cream. So it'll be fine if we both have sea salt! But if I think back far enough, I think my favorite used to be a strawberry-cherry mix....

You're sure? I really don't mind paying.


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