gunofadeadman and YOU!
What: John's been enjoying the 'shoot the target' games on the planet. But they keep giving him huge stuffed animals as prizes. RANDOM PASSER-BY, WOULD YOU LIKE A HUGE STUFFED ANIMAL?
When: Today!
Where: Down on the planet!
Warnings: None.
Step right up. )
You never knew what you might see. Like, for example, a grizzled-looking guy who reminded him a bit of the old man, carrying around a large stuffed animal.
Someone else might have worried about being welcome or even the fact that he didn't think he'd me this guy, but Yuri didn't see the point. Nothing wrong with being social. So he fell into step beside him and gave him a grin.]
Nice whatever-it-is you've got there.
He stopped and swung around to face Yuri, the limbs of the stuffed animal swinging about in an almost comedic way.]
Huh? Yeah, this whatever-it-is looks too much like an animal that's tried to make me its supper on more than one occasion. [John wasn't sure if it was supposed to look like a cougar, but it sure reminded him of one.] You want it?
[He shakes his head and smirks at him.] Thanks for the offer, old man, but no thanks. You're not my type.
[John would facepalm if he had any hands free.] Not... not like that, I just wanna get rid of it. You know anyone that might want it, maybe? A kid or somethin'?
Lots of kids on the ship. You could ask. [He eyes it again thoughtfully. After all, it's easier to see than the guy he's talking to at the moment.]
Maybe you could make a game out of it.
Maybe I can throw it back at the alien at the stand while he's not lookin', then high-tail it outta there.
so yeah a little weird.]
You mean like a competition to win the thing?
[He eyes the stuffed animal doubtfully] Someone's got to want it.
But I'm not a kid anymore either. [And when he was, he never had anything like that. He can't quite imagine what it'd be like.]
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