Who: Cho Hakkai and unfortunate passersby OPEN
What: Hakkai is at work. His job this month is to model swimsuits. It's basically the worst job ever for him.
When: All month!
Where: Planet-side, on a sunny beach.
How: [Brackets] or prose are both fine with me!
Warnings: Pale, skinny nerd; eye protection is advised.
And he'd thought the last computer glitch had been bad... )
[as he sees the man leaving, it's a little jog that has him catching up]
Hey, heyyyyy. Hey.
[they haven't even spoken since Gojyo disappeared]
[Even when he pulls his punches they often result in the recipient laying flat out on his back. He doesn't pull this one. The feel of his fist smashing into Genkaku's face is supremely satisfying. Whether or not he falls or stays up, though, really depends on the sort of man Genkaku is.]
What the hell! Ackt--!
[he spits a mouth full of blood]
Shit, my teeth bit in'na me for that...
[it's a showy lapping of teeth and tongue and more spitting, bottom lip to jaw scuffed with blood by the time he angrily looks up]
The fuck? Ain't my fault you're pretty enough for the camera.
[So he reigns in his hatred and anger and pastes on his most pleasant, fake smile, outwardly relaxing and beginning to button his shirt, though inwardly still wound almost painfully tight, ready for retaliation.]
Ahaha, my deepest apologies. I should have expected you were merely wanting to ask for my autograph.
Ah-huh, right.
[if he picks up on that negativity, he sure as hell doesn't show it; after all, all he remembers is a pretty good massage]
Think you can not bodily harm me long enough to ask you a question?
[He's only being slightly sarcastic. He doesn't owe this man a thing (except perhaps for a painful death), but he'll still hear his question.]
[Who knows, maybe the monk will give him an excuse to punch him again.]
[oppositely, his always-loose mouth draws in like fabric on strings, zipping closed]
...How's he? When you guys went home...
[the extremely rare aversion of his eyes could tell Hakkai he's completely positive he knows who he's talking about]
[He knows the man's life philosophy, but he honestly doesn't know which answer to his question would hurt him more - to tell him Gojyo was alive and 'still suffering' or lie and say he had died...or to not tell him anything, one way or the other. He knows better than most that there are more methods to hurt someone than purely physical, and he's comfortable enough with the sadistic side of his personality he has no trouble acknowledging that that is exactly what he wants to do here.
[Ah, well.]
Alive. Happy.
[He maintains his plastic smile throughout, though doubtless the barely-held-in-check violence he's wishing upon this man is coming through somewhat.]
[his hands dig into his pockets, finding the bottoms of the voids left behind, one for Gojyo, one for-- ]
[there's nothing in them but tobacco shavings and lint.]
...Happy without ya?
[it sounds dubious]
I couldn't say. I was merely relating how he was when I last saw him.
[Actually, he has fairly good reason to believe that even though he's here, he's also somehow still there. There are a lot of half-baked and far-fetched theories about the properties of time-and-space wormholes, but he's read them all, or as close as he could find, and formed his own thoughts on the matter. So only one of them is missing his best friend, rather than the both of them.]
That's two questions now, though, I think.
[he clearly digests it with a heavy heart, but the cause is ambiguous and unstated (even he doesn't know if it's because he's glad Gojyo's happy and safe or if he's angry he didn't get to save him or he's uncertain of how things ended between them -- or all of the above)]
Thanks, I guess.
[He's probably being sarcastic, but it's impossible to tell from the tone of his voice.]
[And this is Hakkai walking away and not giving in to his desire for a messy, bloody homicide.]
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