Who:Chihaya, Yosuke, and Kaylee. (Gin and Lucifer are welcome to pop in at their whim of course.)
When:This morning, right before the bar opens for lunch.
Warnings:Cursing, because...Yosuke. Spiders. Lots of screaming like little girls.
Ugh, he was beat. Yosuke yawned, trying to shake the spacelag and failing miserably. Well, maybe Gin would make him some coffee if he asked nicely. He reached automatically for the keypad by the door and then realized he wasn't at Junes, anymore. Yosuke yawned again and poked the door impatiently. "C'mon, I need to roll silverware. I kinda left two baskets undone last night so I could get some sleep."
The door made an indignant sound. "Fine, if you want that thing inside then don't blame me."
Yosuke glanced around as the door opened, looking for whoever it had called a thing (probably a paying customer, ugh) to apologize. But what he saw instead was something the size of a shiba inu with about a million legs. It darted erratically, gleefully inside. Yosuke dropped his bag and jumped backwards, giving a loud shriek before he could stop himself.
"Oh, shit!"