Mar 25, 2011 20:34

Who: Chihaya leftacreampuff and YOU
What: Random run-ins in the evening!
Where: In the SS Thor Hallways -- 3rd Floor
Warnings: None that I can foresee... yet!

There will probably be Disney music at one point or another. )

genkaku, chihaya, john marston

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gunofadeadman March 26 2011, 03:26:26 UTC
[John had been having too much damn trouble with his lighter recently. He'd probably have to wander around the Thor again, looking for a replacement. It was annoying, really. All he asked for was his lighter to work so he could enjoy a cigarette. After all he had been through after being stuck on the Sigrun, he couldn't help but figure that Someone must be picking on him. He had been trying to start a light for some time now while walking down the halls, with growing exasperation.]

[So of course he's not paying much attention to anything else when Chihaya turns away from one of the Thor's windows, and quite unceremoniously runs into him!]

Ah, shit- Beggin' your pardon! [He quickly grabs his hat with his free hand before it falls off his head, due to the sudden collision.]


leftacreampuff March 26 2011, 03:32:38 UTC

[Except Chihaya doesn't really think or say anything of the sort. Instead, he jumps a bit before bowing quickly]

N-No! I'm sorry, sir! Are you all right?


gunofadeadman March 26 2011, 03:40:25 UTC

[John just straightens his hat before he says something, then automatically tilts it at the stranger out of habit. He takes note of the wings, of course; but they're not worth mentioning right off the bat, not with everything else he's seen since his arrival here.]

I'm fine, just not payin' enough attention, I reckon. Too caught up in my own little world.

[He seems to note the look of almost-sadness on Chihaya's face, though, and immediately wonders if he just ruined this person's day.]

You alright? Didn't hurt you, did I?


leftacreampuff March 26 2011, 03:44:34 UTC
[OH WHAT CRUELT... eh it's all good]

[Chihaya giggles a bit at John's first statement!]

Don't worry about it! I'm sure we've all been there, right?

[But at his question, Chihaya's head tilts right before he smiles, nice, wide and friendly.]

Oh, no, not at all! I'm tougher than I look!


gunofadeadman March 26 2011, 03:49:57 UTC
[John just offers him a small grin in response.]

Yeah? That must be it.

[He looks over at the window Chihaya was standing by, his unfortunate unlit cigarette still hanging from his mouth. At this point he's given up on the lighter and has pocketed it.]

Enjoyin' the view?


leftacreampuff March 26 2011, 03:52:52 UTC

[It takes a moment for Chihaya to get what John's talking about... but DING DING DING!]

O-Oh! Yes, yes I was! It never really stops being breathtaking, even after all these months.


gunofadeadman March 26 2011, 03:56:39 UTC
[He pauses a little, looking out the window, before shrugging.]

Guess so. But... you know what's funny? I think I appreciated those stars out there a hundred times more when I was back home. Here? Just a backdrop to all the noise.

[He then quickly corrects:] Not that it still ain't, er, pretty.


leftacreampuff March 26 2011, 04:01:21 UTC
No, I get what you mean.

[Chihaya places both of his palms against the glass. It's nice and cool to the touch, and feels great!]

Before I wound up here on the Thor, I'd actually traveled throughout space a few times. So I've already gotten used to the idea of appreciating the view from both the ground and in flight.


I'm Chihaya, by the way!


gunofadeadman March 26 2011, 04:05:58 UTC
[John blinks at first. At least this one was pretty open with his emotions. He tilts his hat once more, a difficult habit to break when it comes to introductions or various other forms of meetings.]

Name's John Marston. A pleasure.

So you travelled through space, huh? Didn't wear your wings out doin' that?


leftacreampuff March 26 2011, 04:10:48 UTC
The pleasure's all mine!

[Oh, whoops!]

Ah... I forgot I had them out! I'm sorry, I hope they didn't startle you or anything...

But, um, I usually kept them hidden, even when amongst my friends.


gunofadeadman March 26 2011, 04:19:22 UTC
Why would you bother doin' that? There ain't nothin' startlin' about it, compared to some of the other sights you might see around here.

[allow him to hazard a guess here...]

So... angel, right?


leftacreampuff March 26 2011, 04:28:19 UTC
[Although a good chunk of the reactions to his wings while on the ship have been tame, it's always a pleasant surprise to not have someone recoil in disgust]

A-Ah... yes, I am! That's a very good guess!


gunofadeadman March 26 2011, 04:30:41 UTC
Don't take much to guess, honestly. [He grins a little wryly] You know, you're the second angel I've run into here. Shared a drink with the first one.


leftacreampuff March 26 2011, 04:31:39 UTC
Really? What was their name?

[He's perked up considerably at that news!]


gunofadeadman March 26 2011, 04:33:08 UTC
Castiel. [He looks at Chihaya curiously.] Know him?


leftacreampuff March 26 2011, 04:34:36 UTC
I do, yes!

He's a very good friend of mine, and a great listener.


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