[OPEN] The Swarm

Mar 12, 2011 15:42

WHO: Heero Yuy, OPEN
WHERE: S.S. Sigrun Cargo Hold
WHEN: Today (Saturday) afternoon
WHAT: Aid responses to Heero's SOS!
WARNINGS: Probably violence, possibly language?
FORMAT: Whatever you want

Even Heero can admit when he's in over his head. )

(the rock), ratchet, trowa barton, meiran chang (nataku), tieria erde, bumblebee, fox mccloud, anemone, treize khushrenada, heero yuy

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forgotten_pilot March 13 2011, 00:47:47 UTC
Meiran left the work party in what would be her studio the moment that she heard Heero's SOS, leaving someone else in charge of the workers. With Wufei's typical disappearance (assumedly into his precious books like usual), there was no one to stop her from taking Shenlong and going after the Japanese idiot.

And because no one's said that Changs don't make good entrances, she comes up from behind the other suits, flamethrower already going at full blast to burn as many bugs as she can to make a clear alley.


00ne March 13 2011, 00:56:12 UTC
Physics. Who needs 'em.

ZERO beeped frantically to inform Heero of the wall of fire coming from behind, and he swiftly rocketed down the corridor of space formed between the twin dragon fangs' flames, path now more easily cleared. Its left side was pretty badly demolished- shoulder armor gone and arm sparking with exposed circuitry, leg armor partially crunched off, face armor on the right side crumbling away and the feathers of its enormous 'wings' splintering off, looking in some place much like a skeletal bird's wing.

"Don't get caught up in them," he warned, initially under the assumption that Wufei was in the cockpit. "As you can see, they're not easily deterred by our Gundams."


forgotten_pilot March 13 2011, 01:25:55 UTC
Not teenage Gundam pilots.

At least she could see that Heero had some common sense in battle. Meiran sweeps the fangs around to clear as much space as she can for them, resisting the urge to take our Treize's machine too. It wouldn't be honorable.

Roasting these alien bugs, on the other hand, is completely justified, and she's smirking the whole time. "Noted. Try not to get in my way."


00ne March 13 2011, 01:41:44 UTC
Heero takes pause at the voice that answers him, narrowing his eyes.

"Hn. Same to you."

As the swarm behind him ebbed, another one began to dive down towards Wing and Altron from overhead, through a hole in the ceiling- apparently from an upper level of the cargo hold. Facing up, Heero fired back with the head vulcans, before darting down and away to escape their incoming path.


forgotten_pilot March 13 2011, 02:12:28 UTC
What, did he think that she was going to let Wufei fly off into battle? Not a chance. Though she likes the additions to his model. Better long range weapons than the first.

Following the line of fire from Heero, Meiran swung one of the fangs directly up and dodged the other direction to cover Sandrock and Epyon (reluctantly). She'll be finding out who's piloting Sandrock later.


00ne March 13 2011, 02:33:47 UTC
After his back-and-forth with Treize, Wing turns towards Shenlong as it skims the walls of the cargo-hold.

"The creatures have covered the original retreat path. We'll have to cut a way through. But there are civilians on here, on foot, and these things will probably follow," he muttered, his tone flat despite his spoken concern.


forgotten_pilot March 13 2011, 03:11:29 UTC
"Can we seal that way off after passing through if we can keep them away long enough?" Meiran asked, calculating how far she can keep them away from her if she took the rear on a retreat.


00ne March 13 2011, 03:19:09 UTC
"If your fangs can melt the passageway back down after me fast enough, probably. But then you'll have to cut it back open to allow yourselves to escape," He pondered, darting upwards from the wall he'd been studying with his sensors to avoid being boxed in.

"But that's up to you three."


forgotten_pilot March 13 2011, 04:08:10 UTC
"If I have someone else with long range weapons to cover me, we should be able to get everyone else out."

Those self sacrificing Changs. She scans over the other fighters, Gundams or otherwise to figure out how much time she'd need. Meiran shuts off one of the flamethrowers to conserve fuel, grabbing the trident to stab into one of the things.


00ne March 13 2011, 05:24:38 UTC
"Only you and I have long range weaponry on our Gundams," Heero replied, "And I can't use my rifles here. They'll blow the place apart. My machineguns and vulcans are running close to empty."

"Can you still cover me?"


forgotten_pilot March 13 2011, 22:36:21 UTC
"Affirmative. Whatever you're going to do, don't take too long. I'm not used to the rate dual flamethrowers use up their fuel."

She moved behind him to cover his back, happily lighting a charging bug on fire.


/late is better than never right `v`;; 00ne March 21 2011, 20:34:12 UTC
"Roger. I'm going, then."

Flying back over towards the wall, and Treize, he drew his sabers, ready to rocket through the twisting, unknown hallways that would follow.


Yep forgotten_pilot March 21 2011, 20:46:14 UTC
Meiran didn't particularly like the idea of working with Treize, but there was no question that she needed to right now. She followed after Heero, flamethrower burning them a path.

She could kill Treize later.


*nomnomnom* mrthirteen March 21 2011, 21:02:09 UTC
Treize himself had no problem working with Meiran, he figured he could count on her sense of honor to not kill him while he had use for her.

He directed his reply to Heero, still however. "Understood." Then chuckled quietly at the order to stay alive. "I will do my best. The same to you."

He turned his full attention back to the aliens and waited for Shenlong to get to him. Epyon's whip was carving into as many as he could reach (as well as those that hadn't been turned extra crispy by the flamethrower).


>.> forgotten_pilot March 22 2011, 06:40:35 UTC
As tempting as it was to turn the flamethrower on Epyon, Meiran's honor wouldn't allow the underhanded tactic and she moved to fly beside Treize, glaring at his Gundam from her cockpit.

She turned on her comm. "This does not make us allies, Khushrenada."

With a scowl, she turned the flamethrower on a mass of alien bugs trying to swarm at Treize from behind.

"I intend to avenge my clan still, when it is honorable to do so."


mrthirteen April 13 2011, 19:54:41 UTC
That honor was why Treize wasn't too worried about being hit on purpose by Meiran. "I wouldn't dream of it, as much as I would like to."

He appreciated the defense that flamethrower offer, working Epyon's whip to the best of it's capacity.

"Understandable, Lady Chang."


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