Who: Tieria Erde
by_my_will, OPEN
What: Tieria's acclimating himself to the ship. Feel free to catch him either on the new arrival queue, en route to his new residence, at the residence if you're a roommate, en route to the hangar where the Gundams are stored, or in the hangar.
When: Shortly after arrival
Where: New arrival queue, Room 3-20, hangar.
Warnings: Mmm... it's open. Anything can happen. LOL
Tieria was sick and tired of crowds and lines and paperwork and clerks. He was not a social person, and one of his trips through the line to get yet another form completed landed him next to a talker. He was quite ready to tell the chatty person to buzz off when he finally reached the counter for the thankfully last time. Relieved to get away, he managed to disappear without the overly social person following him.
First, he went to his room, found out he had roommates (which was most definitely not to his liking), and dropped off the things he had with him. He sighed.
How had this happened? He shouldn't be here like this. Where was the 00-Quan[T]? Setsuna? He didn't know what was going on. Had something gone wrong during the quantum teleportation? Still, during his interactions with the various clerks and forms, he had discovered that there was cargo for him in one of the hangar bays. It had apparently been recovered with him. Curious, that was his next destination. He headed down there to see what it was. As he made his way around, he found mobile suits that looked like they could be Gundams. Momentarily fascinated by the designs and the lack of solar furnaces, he finally found the bay where his equipment was reported to be.
He froze, staring at it for a moment.
"Seravee...?" But... that was impossible...