[CLOSED] There will be a time when only you, and you alone, can break the bad news.

Feb 25, 2011 21:24

Who: Ukitake Jushiro (ocean_lightning ) and Shiba Kaien (surgingwave ), ((with possible cameos from GinUingu [wingsofsilver ], vigilant roomie that he is /o/))
What: Kaien's been a dead man walking for about four months, and it's finally about time to break the facts to the poor man 8( ...Also popcorn.
When: BACK...DATED to sometime earlier this week, probably - shortly after the disappearance of Kyouraku Shunsui. 
Where: Room 5-7
Warnings: Serious bsns conversationings. Possibly angst. ...And possibly popcorn and butter at very inopportune moments, as well 8|;

This day had been coming from a mile away.

Ukitake knew it. He'd known it for awhile now. He'd done everything he possibly could to brace himself for the prospect - ever since discovering Kaien among a tide of newly-arrived refugees. Time had been made to let the man settle in - and Kaien had, quite nicely, as comfortably as he possibly could. The shock of arriving on the Thor was worn off now - and this was as good a time to get it over with as any. The best time. ...The only time, really. Any later than now, and Ukitake would be doing an injustice to him, and to himself.

Ukitake knew this, and his resolve was set, his heart braced for the painful reaction that was bound to come. He was ready - as ready now as he'd ever be.

And yet...

Well, putting it off wasn't an option now. Kaien had almost asked about it himself, even - they'd ended up bringing up the beginning fringes of the topic at the exact same time, over a table of tea a few days back, and in the end they had both agreed that an arranged talk at a later date would be for the best. The later date had become this very hour - and Ukitake hovered quietly at the stove in the kitchen of room 5-7, checking the tea for what must have been the fifth time. Confirming for said fifth time that the tea was indeed not at risk of boiling over, he resumed pacing the room, hands in sleeves...ill at ease. The prospect of the conversation he'd be having with his expected visitor weighed heavily on his mind, already burdened down by the gaping absence of Kyouraku.

...No. No, he wasn't ready for this talk. If the world were still whole, Ukitake supposed that by all means he should never have had to be ready for it. But...he never would be ready, either. Not really.

He'd just have to dive right in to the point...and hope for the best outcome.

ukitake jūshirō, shiba kaien

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