bitterblond &
blameshimselfWhat: Chocolates. You cannot resist the chocolates.
When: February 14th
Where: Recreation Room POSSIBLY IN THE BALL PIT.
Warnings: If you have xocolatophobia or philophobia, stay away!
[ For being the owner and president of his own company, you would think he would be able to handle money more responsibly. He'd only been on the Thor for a week and a half and yet he'd splurged so much on food alone. Today was an understandable exception, though. He'd bought the best ingredients he could afford to make homemade chocolate for his brother-in-law. Regardless of whether or not Eiri was avoiding the entire population of the Thor because it was Valentine's Day, Tohma would lure him out with chocolates.
He was almost positive Eiri couldn't resist, but Eiri was a tricky one. There was the possibility that he would flee, even with the possibility of eating sweets. ]