Who: Minako and the sort of SEES-IT team + 38? others
What: On breaking out the kidnapped refugees. Because sometimes you can't go it alone.
When: Backdated to Wednesday, Feb 9th.
Where: Minato's classroom for the month.
Warnings: Action tags, frustration, and planning attempts to be sneaky.
[The results of the scouting trip had been expected. Slightly disappointing, but expected. After all, they had been running blind through a place that completely sapped their powers without a trained spotter. But they knew the general layout of the place, they'd smuggled a bracelet out that Komui-san and Naoto-san were ripping apart with scientific glee, and none of them had been thrown in jail.]
[One thing was certain though. If they wanted everyone out of the Holosseum, they would need help. But they couldn't turn to just anybody. People who would help, people who weren't likely to tip the Holosseum off to their plans- friends of friends.]
[And so, here they were. In a school room, whiteboard gleaming on the back wall, desks neatly arranged. It's the only room with a light on, the only room where this can be discussed openly. Oh thy bastion of learning, how we adore thee.]
[ooc: Here's how it's going to work! There will be three main threads- Arriving (where people... arrive, get checked off the roster and mingle), Scheming (in which Minako and the SEES-IT group brief everyone and answer questions) and Planning (because they really need a plan for the big break out. Really). Arriving will be up tonight, Scheming will be up tomorrow (because bio killed my brain among other things) and Planning will go up shortly after Scheming.]