Who: Pip Bernadotte (
stolethatkiss ), Milly Ashford (
shes_got_guts )
What: Roommate shenanigans!
When: Backdated to like, 5 hours ago or something as;dksgs why am I awake
Where: Room 3-22!
Warnings: Possibly pervertedness on Pip's part, language (also on Pip's part), possibly sexual harassment (always on Pip's part), I apologize in advance
[It's been a long day of...walking around and looking for places to swipe cigarettes from, and Pip's trudging back to his room, sporting a smoke between his lips, his hands in his pockets. He's used to being in chaotic locations, so being new to the Thor hasn't affected him too much-- if anything, it's routine, and maybe a little bit boring without the constant expectation of having scary people (or vampires) like Alucard lurking around.
The door greets him in broken French, and he ignores it as he walks into his room, 3-22. It's a modest lodging, but then again, he's used to living in shitty conditions. He looks around, wondering if his roommates are in-- he knows he has them, he just hasn't met them yet.]