Who: Kurama
What: Empathy Gun
When: Midafternoon while walking through town on his way to Christmas shop.
Where: Hill House
Format: Don't really care sob
Warnings: Oh god Kurama's going head over heels for slabs of ancaster stone and awesome oak paneling. That should be warning enough.
He hangs up on his last call and doesn't get two blocks' worth of walking in before his guide rings. Of course this would only happen around the holidays, when he has things to do. It's probably work; he wouldn't mind doing another after-school detention duty but could they at least let him figure out a work schedule for his other job? He lets it ring once in his hand and--
--Prompty gets shot square in the chest. He didn't see that coming. But he isn't hurt at all. Maybe he's just seeing things again.
"Hello?" Whoever it is hangs up. Must not be important. He looks up to see where he's going and sees-- the most beautiful masonry he's ever seen in his life. What a triumph of western architecture! He finds it a bit strange, actually; usually places like this don't jive with his aesthetic but... He can't help it. He walks closer to the building-- can't figure out if it's private property or not-- but he'll try walking in anyway. It must house some sort of opulent interior...