sturmnbatarangs and
undeadsidekickWhat: Drink to wash away the idea of Batfamily incest!
When: Monday night/afternoon/whenever they got done talking about Hit Girl
Where: Space Hooters Tata's
Warnings: Linefaces and cusswords
I'LL BE GONE BEFORE THE MORNING COMES did I just use Meat Loaf as cut text lyrics )
"Try not look look like someone stood you up on prom night, old man." He said, finally. Emerging from the crowd with a cocky, bordering on giddy grin. Because seriously. Only the cowl could have made this look more complete.
"Good thing my date arrived."
It was keeping with the reason for the meeting, at least.
When the girl arrived, he made a show of nodding appreciatively, looking her up and down enough to appear interested. He wasn't, not that she wasn't attractive, but the check-out was merely for appearances sake. Wouldn't do to get a reputation as Katsura's friend who only comes in for the cheap drinks and conversations with old men. "This is the part where I tell you that their margaritas are great and you shoot me down because you're an obsessive bastard who never learned how to have fun."
"At least we got that out of the way." Preliminary inventory finished, he lowered the menu slightly to look at Jason over the top. "This friend of yours wouldn't happen to be an idiotic samurai."
He watched Bruce watching the crowds. He never really gave it a rest, even as an old man, it seemed. Guess Bat paranoia wasn't easy to get rid of. Good thing he hadn't gone senile yet, that would be a bitch to deal with in an old folks home. "The phrase 'senile old coot' was tossed around. You want to add anything, or should I just fill in the blanks?"
The under dressed waitress returned to take their order and Jay requested a bottle of the Princess's usual, some too-sweet sake of which Katsura was more than a little fond. The girl nodded with a giggle, not even bothering to jot it down on her notepad before looking over at Bruce. He thought of just ordering for the old man, but that would totally go over well. Oh, yeah. Best father-son-whatever-they-are bonding scenario ever.
"Ginger ale." He gave his order and his menu to the waitress without looking once in her direction.
"Guess they can't rely on the big, bad Bat to bail them out." He gave a slightly snide smile, and leaned back in his chair, studying the ceiling fan for a second. "If it's any consolation, the Princess is a good guy. Weird, but good. He suggested I be less of an ass to you and bigger shortpants and he definitely doesn't like one of you at all."
So he was harping. Jason had hit a sore spot. A sore spot that he'd thought he was over until it stared him in the face again so recently. One that he would be dealing with for a while, if he knew anything about certain people who couldn't wait for any information to use against him. And, after all, it was the truth; a nice quality or two didn't mean you could excuse the bad ones. Not when it put other people in danger.
"Lovely place, this restaurant."
A man at another table cat called to their waitress as she scurried back with the bottle and Bruce's ginger ale, illustrating his point. Okay, so Tata's was kind of a dive. No worse than the place they'd been to before, tits aside. "To be fair, he's no worse than us. Vigilantes throwing stones, etc."
Okay, so Zura wasn't any worse than Jay, that was for sure. Least the guy stuck to his principles and didn't deal drugs, or arms to fund his more noble activities. Bruce on the other hand, he'd probably disagree. But then the old man just liked to be contrary sometimes.
"Hh. There's that." Because, really, the samurai did have some morals. He had a horrible way of dealing with those morals, but they were present and influential, at least. It was almost another conflict with the League again; just another stubborn member doing his job the wrong way. Even when he and Clark had first met-
Oh. That's right. "What does Lex Luthor look like?" As if it wasn't a completely new train of thought.
"Mid-forties, white, in decent shape for a businessman. Ugly, though... Bald." He rattled off adjectives as they came. Actually, the fact that bald was the last thing to hit him was probably more of a surprise than the question itself. Funny, the things he remembered. "Why?"
He fixed Bruce with a quizzical look. Couldn't hurt to try, but Jay kind of doubted he would clarify. Wasn't the old man's way. He shrugged again, sloppily pouring himself a helping of the sake. In the back of his head he could hear Katsura's voice, accent and all, chiding him and saying that it was rude to pour his own drink without regard for his drinking partner. Still, not like Bruce would care. He practically wrote the book on abrupt and subtly rude.
Figuring Jason would have to hear about it eventually, he could at least give him a reason. "He's here. And he's not mine. He isn't yours, either."
It needed to be tested. Still, he was almost certain it was him. Physical differences aside, he moved similarly enough, had some of the same quirks. Some of them. Others were.... Well, there were countless universes out there. But he wasn't going to blindly hope that this one would be different.
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