hero_1stclassWhat: Cloud's pulled a disappearing act.
When: Backdated about a week ago.
Where: The residential area.
Warnings: None.
Cloud had always been quiet compared to the others on the ship. She hadn't known why she'd found it worrying today until she ran out of places to look for him. Thoughts of giving the network a lurid recap of Wall Market came to mind; however, before she tried flushing Cloud out that way, she decided to check the housing. Just in case. What she expected to find was that he'd switched rooms, not that he'd been removed from the list completely.
No wonder it felt so quiet today. Another part of her world was gone.
...No. People left, people came back. It happened all the time. And Cloud wouldn't leave forever just like that. She told herself that over and over, because otherwise she would think too much about the Planet's destruction and all their lives with it, lost. They had each other here, and Cloud was coming back. But...when?
Zack, Tifa...
She asked both of them to come to her room at separate times. With Cloud's disappearance, she wanted to be able to see her friends as soon as possible.