(no subject)

Aug 29, 2010 10:13

Who: abyssjade and areyouhungry
What: Jade enacts revenge for Luke punching him in the face
When: At least a million years ago
Where: Out and about

A month of consistent niceness can take a toll on anyone, let alone an old, cynical man. So when he decided that Luke needed the equivalent of a mercy killing, Jade found himself breathing a sigh of relief, shoulders back and head held high. He rolled a shoulder to take care of an ever persistent crick before finishing the few long strides it would take to reach Luke's front door.

Before knocking, he went through a few quick mental notes. If he'd planned everything right, which he almost always did, then this should go without a hitch. He rapped gently against the metal plate (much to the door's chagrin) before quietly slipping his hands into his pockets in unassuming, subtle confidence.

luke fon fabre, jade curtiss

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