Jul 31, 2010 20:37

Who: Sokka Wang Fire and YOU
What: Free/forced therapy sessions!
When: Anytime?!
Where: Shopping District, Residential Areas... practically anywhere
Warnings: Sokka is in Wang Fire mode. What more warning do you need? Also, comments may be returned via wang_my_fire. Prose or action, I'll follow whichever.

There's a strange sight within the halls of the S.S. Thor these days. There is a young man... or is it an old man? Nonetheless, a man is walking down the halls of the ship. Dressed in the red garb of the Fire Nation only known by a few within the community. Dark skin and blue eyes might make the person tell-tale to those who know him, but if you come up close there's a goatee, a mustache and side-burns galore. When he speaks it's with a fake, old accent that is almost indistinguishable.

No, Sokka is not in the building. Meet Wang Fire.

Lurking the halls, he awaits to see a person with a down, upset or neutral expression. Sometimes there's no reason at all. Are you lucky enough to escape? I think not.

The man named Wang Fire paused in front of you, after all, and simply says. "Well, young one, care to chat?"

sokka/wang fire, james, renge houshakouji, kurt hummel, gin ichimaru

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