Out of place

Jun 25, 2010 16:35

Who: Rorschach, Kurt Hummel, Amaterasu
What: Rorschach does what he's best at: Disapproving with all and everything in general. Maybe it's all just one big conspiracy...? Also: Dod Kurt really come across Bubastis?
When: Now?
Where: The park
Warnings: %

He had seen enough of that planet. And while having a real sky over his head once more, the entire surroundings just seemed so very wrong. Probably it was because of those crabs. Or the definitely not human inhabitants. Or... Just everything.

It just wasn't Earth. Or New York. Or anything he had grown used to. Nothing was that simple anymore.

Not even coffee.

Rorschach cast an accusing glare towards that small paper-cup that took like an hour to order. Back in New York ordering coffee had been simple: You ordered it, you got it. Here, you order it... And have to answer questions. It certainly wasn't necessary for them to know his name. And that was just how it had all started. And at the end of the entire ordeal the result was as simple as a coffee could be.

Another thing that had been easier: Getting information. Just twist a man's arm the right way and he would talk. Now he had to go through books about alien anatomy to learn how to get the right grip on a tentacle before it got you. The right places to find the right information were there. In the darker corners of this giant ship. Finding those had been ridiculously easy. Just follow the foul smell. And try not to slip in it.

And if all this wasn't already enough, then there still was the whole Rebuild your planet-business.

It was unnerving. He was supposed to be dead. And now he was the only survivor of his planet? These two odds just wouldn't add up. It made no sense. At least not unless Manhattan was involved. But there was no sign of the blue freak. And had he known of what was to come... Would he really have let it happen just like this?


But there was no chance that Manhattan could possibly have died. So he had to be out there still. Somewhere. Either aware or unaware of what had happened to Earth. Probably not caring about it?

The masked man stared down in quiet irritation at or rather through the newspaper spread out in front of him on the table somewhere in the middle of the park he had occupied some time ago. A bit out of reach stood hat was left of his coffee. Cold by now. Next to it: Two books. But those weren't in use right now, for Rorschach had intended to go through the paper first, trying to keep track on what was going on here. Some articles have been marked with a red pen, others had barely legible notes written next to them. Working his way through the newspaper too wasn't as simple anymore.

A beeping noise from the guide.

Rorschach ignored it. He was getting good at that. Daniel would have liked this kind of tool maybe. But to him it was just plain annoying. Even though it tended to have some useful information at times, most of what got transmitted over it was meaningless. So he ignored it. And went back to his newspaper.

amaterasu, kurt hummel, rorschach

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