Who: Naesala
sexyhairflip & Leanne
galdr_aria What: Naesala and Leanne meeting up so that Naesala can break the news of Tibarn's disappearance to her. :<
When: After this
Where: Mall area.
Warnings: Possible angst? Shenanigans? Maybe fluff?
Format: Prose
Naesala couldn't help but feel he would have been a lot more imposing if he were standing in more than a small square of cotton fabric. Honestly. What high class thief saw the value in clothes? No matter how he went over the facts, there were just more practical ways to achieve a goal than simply hit everyone in the entire vicinity. Certainly it was an impressive feat, but all that work for what?
No, Naesala, trained thief and black marketeer, just couldn't see the practicality of it.
There was also the tiny matter of the fact that someone had managed to steal anything from him to begin with... but that was besides the point, he had much more important matters to deal with. Like the sad, sad fact he'd gleaned from his current job.