Well, that was a hell of a rebound, wasn't it?
As this volume -- called Generations, after all -- careens to a close, suddenly Hiro is (finally) mourning his father, Claire is (mistakenly) mourning hers, Mohinder has to feel that he's dishonoring his, and Matt is facing the possibility he's becoming his. Holy Therapy Groups, Batman! Yet again, focusing on one or two plotlines per episode gave us a strong show, with strong moments for Mr. Bennet and the Nakamura Boys, while finally giving West a reason to not throw our shoes at the television. It wasn't "Company Man," but it damn sure wasn't bad.
More importantly, next week figures to not only crystallize this year's Crisis, but the underlying feuds which factor into it. If we accept Kensei Monroe v. The Company Formerly Known As The SuperFriends as the baseline feud, here's how the players stack up:
Team Takezo
* Adam
* Peter (His No. 1 draft pick)
* Claire (The Lolita Bowl v. Elle should make some people ... uh, happy)
* Nathan (Sure, he's been working with Parkman -- more on him later -- but ties that bind and all that)
* West (Where Claire goes ...)
Company Men (and young woman)
* Bob (If his livelihood is tied up to the firm's, as Bennet said last night, you've got to wonder exactly how high up he is now)
* Elle (See Claire)
* Suresh (The dumbest scientist who ever lived)
* Parkman the Sith (Remember, he's tracking down their killer -- and he'll probably have to protect his *ahem* living arrangement with Mohinder and Molly now, too)
* Hiro (An alliance of convenience here, and a chance at a potentially great Princess Bride reference when he finally confronts Adam)
* Niki (Fighting to cure herself)
X-(Factor) Men
* Bennet (Even if he woke up in the Company basement, does anybody really think he's gonna stay there?)
* The Haitian (Where Noah goes ...)
* Sylar (How close is he to recuperation? And who authorized his extraction/containment in the first place?)
* Maya & Alex (Are they the plague? Are they the cure?)
* Monica (Think Noah can teach her to bust a cap in somebody?)