His is the Ball that Bounces

Mar 08, 2010 02:53

Hey, guess what the heck I've been doing lately.

Well, if you didn't see it last post, here it is again:

This is my latest album as Platzangst, Our Corporate Strategy, and I have placed it on Bandcamp. It is an album of experimental noises and weirdness, and if you happen to like it (you won't), you could download it for as little as five dollars - though feel free to send more money if you like.

Here's some of the old cassette albums I made in the '90s:


And now they are also for sale on Bandcamp. In fact, you could get these for free from the main Platzangst website, but the versions on Bandcamp have been remastered and enhanced a bit (as much as you can enhance lo-fi cassette recordings).
[There's a couple of the older albums that still have issues. mor eevul pleez contains a Gary Numan cover, and I really ought to work out the whole royalties issue if I'm going to put this up for serious sale. The Creed of Spears has album art shamelessly lifted from some Japanese guy's website, and I really should either get his permission to use it or change the artwork. (Before anyone gripes at me - the original edition of the album was produced in an enormous run of maybe five copies, and I don't think anyone actually paid me for them, so it's not like this was theft on a grand scale.)]

Our Corporate Strategy is my entry into the 2010 RPM Challenge, which, if you follow this blog at all, you may have heard me mention before. I succeeded this year - I got the album turned in on time, it can be seen and listened to on the official RPM Challenge site and everything.

Only, it wasn't the album I intended to make, which was a more guitar-art-rock-oriented kind of affair. About halfway through the month of February, it became obvious that I was simply not going to be able to finish enough music on time to complete the Challenge, so I shifted gears and went to Plan B, an album of experimental noise that was, well, less demanding on my resources, but also less, uh, commercially viable, let's say.

Still, I'm at the point where something is better than nothing, and for whatever reason, this is the first official Platzangst album release I've had in, uh, nine years, and that last one was kind of a cheat.

So now what?

Well, I still want to make the guitar album. In fact, I came up with enough material and ideas to make two albums of guitar stuff, if I turned everything I came up with into actual songs.

And then there's None O'Clock, the electronica album I talked about making a while back.

And then there's the Music album, long-neglected, but featuring some of my most popular tracks.

The question is, can I keep myself motivated enough to push ahead with any of these projects now that the pressure of the Challenge is over? I'm hoping so. Getting the Bandcamp page fixed up has given me a bit of enthusiasm - although I will be damn surprised if ANYBODY pays a single cent for any of the albums or tracks I've got on the page now, it is, at least, a functioning system that can automatically take money and deliver downloads without me having to do much else besides provide the audio files.

Which means it's one less damn thing for me to drag my hump over when it comes to getting an album made.

And some of the other albums might actually be, you know, sellable.

So we'll see.
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