Dec 29, 2009 02:19
When I was younger, I dreamed all the time, and it was usually pretty weird stuff. Lately, though, I rarely remember dreams and when I do they're often mirrors of average ordinary life. Like, I get up and go to work just as usual but I'm living in Minnesota instead of Iowa.
Just had one, though, that stayed with me. If I could have just transferred it directly to DVD, I could probably have the next big OVA hit or something.
It went like this:
I am in some sort of comic shop or record store or bookstore. There is a crumbling hole in the brick wall big enough to let me pass through, and so I do. Out on the sidewalk, I decide to float about 5 or 6 feet off the ground as I drift along. A voice tells me that I have done well to achieve this level of flight. I reply that it would be even better if I could be seen while I'm using it "in reality".
Change perspective; I am no longer in the dream. A boy in white and pale blue garb in vaguely Plymouth Rock pilgrim style arrives at the front steps of some brownstone, where other young folk are engaged in strategic games involving an oversized chess- or checkerboard, and using small humanoid figures - like foot-tall "chibi" characters - as pieces or combatants. Most have one such being, but some own more than one. These homunculi all have special, individual abilities, as do the gathered players, as does the boy in white. Magic is involved. The boy does not have a homunculus of his own, but considers how he might get one.
There is something important in the used car lot across the street, but after a few abortive attempts, the boy gives up trying to enter.
Change scene: The boy is at a gathering of relations, siblings and/or cousins in the same family or clan. There are other clans arriving at this place, some large hall or cathedral. Elders of each clan are also arriving, and each clan seems to have defining characteristics. The boy and his clan are mystics, warlocks or the like, while there are clans with vampiric traits, lycanthropic traits, and other less common traits such as blob-like forms, or clockwork people.
The heads of the clans step into spots around the hall, and portions of the floor drop, depositing them into a series of balconies around a largish arena. Then the young folk of the various clans are lowered down into the arena. Some of them have not been told what is about to happen: the young of the clans will do battle to establish which clan will rule the whole of the magical underworld. Lethal force is permitted, and in some cases expected.
That's when I woke up.
Now, having had most of a day to ponder that, I can see traces of about 370 different anime shows and manga I've seen in all but the first paragraph. So what is this, my subconscious giving me the winning formula to some hit concept that would make me a bazillionaire?
Dammit, brain, wtf.