Mar 26, 2009 05:11
Just curious to see if anyone I know is going to show up at AnimeIowa this year. Just got the registration card in the mail, and possibly early registration would keep potential costs low.
I'm planning on going to WizardWorld in Chicago during the previous weekend, but AnimeIowa is within very convenient driving range, so if there's a reason for me to go I can probably fit it in. However, I'm kind of ambivalent about going if all it turns out to be is a big shopping trip. (Especially after coming off what will be a very expensive con.)
I have no idea if there will be any reason for me to try and go as a pro/artist myself; probably not. Don't know if I can swing table fees, anyway.
Come to think of it, I can't even find any Artist's Alley-type info on the AnimeIowa website, at all.