Title: Godliness Author: Hyperfocused Pairing: Fraser/Ray K Rating: NC17 Wordcount: 930 A/N: from LadyIvy's Spring Cleaning prompt. Not as porny as I intended but god, deadline!
Sometimes the porn is as much in the imagination. You painted a great visual with Fraser in a ribbed black shirt and ripped jeans. God, that image alone is porn worthy. And I liked the interpretation that the cleaning was cleaning the slate and making new memories.
Comments 7
OW. That one hurt. (Appropriately, and in that "been there, felt that" kind of way.)
Not the kind of friends that he and Fraser were, even if he and Fraser were "intimate now", as Fraser liked to put it, or "fucking", as Ray would say.
Snork. Awesome. I have a - kink? something like that - for the alternative-words game these boys get into, and this is a fun example.
Erase the bad memories and create good new ones in their places."
mmmmm. *rubs hands together anticipatorily*
He could take himself away to the snowy North whenever he wanted, but he was always right there with Ray.
Love this. Spot-on.
And then even he lost his coherence, because yeah, Ray knew what he was doing.
Ray loved Spring.
Oh, what fun: kitchen!sex and changing seasons and a grumpy Ray with a goal. Really enjoyable way to start the day. Thank you kindly!
Loved these lines especially:
Ray would have had to look at the calendar to tell, it felt so much like winter.
in a ribbed black T-Shirt that fit like paint on the Goat
Nice work!
Nice fic.
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