Sep 14, 2004 23:36
so ive been doin pretty well recently. i miss my seattle friends.
daniel was trying to get me out to seattle to go to endfest on the
25th, but theres no way i can do it, and it makes me sad. the RA i like
shows little to no intrest in me, and today i visited adam, the love of
my life, at his work. and we flirted, and i remembered how much i like
him. i never see him though, so it makes it very hard. :(
so now im hanging out, talking to people on the internet (highschool
friends) and listening to my "good tunes" playlist on itunes.
to take attention away from my obsessive boy stuff, i just bought a whole bunch
of clothes of the internet. so hopefully i'll like those, and then look
all sexy when i talk to the guys... so i'm really just helping my cause
by spending all this money. totally justified
to add to my shopoholic-ness, i ordered 4 cds from cactus today, they
are as follows: the garden state soundtrack, the new Faint cd, The
fitness CD, and The Wrens CD = me just way too excited
what can i say, i like to shop